This hands-on workshop is designed to train new instructors providing them with tips and tricks to be an excellent academic instructor.
Dates: Tuesday, November 26 Time: 9:30 - 12:30 CET Location: Remote via Zoom Trainer: Dr. Maria Wirzberger
Participants in this workshop will teach participants best practice for good academic instruction. Mentoring and training students is an important part of the day-to-day business of senior scientists and – to some extent – of Ph.D. students, who are very often also required to meet this task. Facing the first experiences with the teaching role frequently raises many concerns and questions: How can I deliver my content in a motivating way? In what ways can I support students to perform well? What happens if my students ask critical questions? In this workshop, we will explore the potentials of motivating instructional design and related implications for the instructor’s role. The interactive and hands-on set-up of this workshop should support in particular first-time instructors to gain confidence with the expected challenges of this task.
More About our Trainer: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Wirzberger is a tenure-track professor at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, head of the Department of Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems and associated faculty at IMPRS-IS. Following her PhD in the interdisciplinary Research Training Group “CrossWorlds” at Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany, she was leading the development of an intelligent attention training application at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen, Germany. With her interdisciplinary team, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Wirzberger is part of the Cyber Valley ecosystem and connects psychology, education and artificial intelligence to develop adaptive educational technologies. Looking back at about 10 years of teaching experience across different study programs, she emphasizes the use of creative game-based approaches in her courses to foster active engagement and sustained motivation.
Register to attend below. With questions, please contact Sara Sorce ( for assistance. Note* By registering for this workshop, you express your interest to participate. In the event that a workshop’s interest exceeds attendance capacity, registrations will undergo a review process considering multiple aspects such as motivation, interest, and fit. All registrants will be notified of selection outcomes before each respective workshop.
Photo credit: MPI für Intelligent Systeme
Registration Closed
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